Experts in Biomass Boiler, Combustion, and Energy Systems

Custom Technology Design

From conceptual development through to shop drawings and commissioning, and everything in between, CPE, in collaboration with each customer, develops the bespoke technology required to meet each project's unique needs.

Energy Systems Technology Renderings

Combustion Systems Design

CPE offers combustion technologies based on the fuel properties to ensure the most reliable and economical approach.

Clear Process Engineering Combustion systems

Bespoke Technology Case Study

The Challenge

End user required SCR systems for various gaseous fuels which required 96.0% NOx reduction in order to meet new state emissions requirements.

The CPE Custom Engineered Solution

CPE was contracted to design complete SCR systems for three (3) boilers, in a very short period of time. The contract included process, mechanical, code-related, and automation design for the SCR housings, catalyst support systems, turning vanes, flow straighteners, ammonia injection grids, ducts, ammonia vaporizer, ammonia injection grid, and ammonia distribution system.

CPE has the experience, know-how, and capability to design, supply, or license technology for SCR systems operating in normal (550 to 700 degF) to low temperatures (425degF or less) for gaseous, liquid, and solid fuels.  This experience extends to applications which have ash constituents which are poisonous to the catalyst (e.g. elevated phosphorous levels).  Get in touch with us to learn how our technology can meet your precise and tight emissions limits while reducing the overall cost of ownership through an energy efficient design that maximizes catalyst life.

Clear Process Engineering SCR systems